
  • Industry
    Engineering & Manufacturing
  • Project
  • Tools
    Photoshop, Illustrator, Joomla!
  • Languages
  • Company
    Ultraflo is a valve and actuator manufacturing company based in Missouri. The previous website was static and not managed regularly. An upgrade was severely needed for the look and feel in addition to content and functionality.
  • Role
    Web Designer, Front-End Developer

Project Brief

  • What problem are we solving?
    Update the look, feel and functionality in conjunction with new brand guidelines. Separate Ultraflo’s products by category in order to streamline the user experience.
  • What value are we providing our customers?
    A resposive website design. Highlight the two industries served and separate the products by industry. Display products as a catalog that allows users to filter by subcategory.
Ultraflo - Home
The look and feel were updated by reinforcing the brand and products offered on the home page. In order to streamline the user experience, the user is immediately tasked with selecting an industry for their product requirements.
Ultraflo - Products
I interviewed the sales team and product managers to gather the site requirements. Access to product brochures, marketing materials, data and images were used to reinforce branding. I also customized an existing Joomla template to fit branding needs.
Ultraflo - Single Product
The product pages are very copy heavy. The goal was to keep them organized and maintain the navigation between products. This organization was completed successfully by structuring the product information and data into tabs. The arrows above the “additional info” section allow the user to switch from product to product in each category without going back to the category page.
Ultraflo - About
Copy was provided from project managers and I was responsible for designing the overall layout with respect to Accenture’s branding guidelines, gathering images and creating graphic icons. Mobile responsiveness and navigation fluidity were high priorities. The user needed the ability to seamlessly navigate from one section to another and back.
Copy was provided from project managers and I was responsible for designing the overall layout with respect to Accenture’s branding guidelines, gathering images and creating graphic icons. Mobile responsiveness and navigation fluidity were high priorities. The user needed the ability to seamlessly navigate from one section to another and back.

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