
  • Industry
  • Project
    Website design and development
  • Tools
    Photoshop, Illustrator
  • Language
  • Company
    A global re-engineering expert concentrated on micro-plants, Gorham Group is operated by senior industry professionals with a cumulative experience of more than 60 years.
  • Web Developer
    UX/UI Designer, Web Developer

Project Brief

  • What problem are we solving?
    Provide a method for non-technical users to edit content without affecting the layout. Integrate posts from a third-party website.
  • What value are we providing our customers?
    Develop a custom WordPress template alongside a plugin that enables custom field entries, allowing back-end users without coding skills to create and edit content.
Gorham Group - Home
I chose a plugin solution that gives everyday users the ability to complete edits without disrupting the design and layout. All images and content can changed without regard to font color, size or family. Users enter the content into custom fields which are called by placing PHP scripts directly in the HTML.
Gorham Group - Services
I partnered with Shane of Herring Design to develop the digital presence. Shane provided the mockup and I completed development. The site doesn’t contain a lot of content; therefore, negative space was used to emphasize elements and guide the user flow.
Gorham Group - News
Copy was provided from project managers and I was responsible for designing the overall layout with respect to Accenture’s branding guidelines, gathering images and creating graphic icons. Mobile responsiveness and navigation fluidity were high priorities. The user needed the ability to seamlessly navigate from one section to another and back.

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